If I Could Write Myself a Letter..

We are quickly approaching Alisa’s first birthday, and the anticipation and excitement at our home is palpable. As with any time of celebration, I have been feeling rather nostalgic, reflecting on where we were one year ago and where we are now. I’ve found myself thinking frequently, “If only I knew then what I know today...” If only I could have written myself a letter to read on the day of her birth, with all of the insight and knowledge I have gained through this year of growth as Alisa's mom, what would I have said?

In celebration of her birth and with all the joy I have come to know through her life, I've written that letter below.

The Heart Wants What It Wants

Recently, a firestorm erupted when Jason Thomas shared to Facebook a letter he had received from his church one year ago. The letter, detailing reasons for his removal from active church membership, cited Jason’s departure from core beliefs of the church since he had chosen to pursue a homosexual lifestyle. 

As is the case in today’s cultural climate, reactions online covered the gamut of emotions, from outrage and hatred, to shock and disbelief, to support and understanding. And once again, one hotly debated topic became the nature of love, namely Christian love. Had the church acted in an unloving manner? According to the world, this answer is an unequivocal “yes”; the church, however, has a different take on the situation.

Hope in the Unexpected

It was a year ago today that we entered what would become one of the most difficult and trying experiences of our lives. The sun shined brightly that 2nd day of September, and I was 30 weeks pregnant, my abdomen swollen with life. For all intents and purposes, life was normal…except that it wasn’t.

The Only Answer to America's Need

We are a nation torn asunder, a house divided, and we are at war.

    We are at war with terrorism.

    We are at war among the classes.

    We are at war between the races.

    We are at war within ourselves.    

Being Mom in Light of Eternity

There is a thin facade between this life and eternity, though most of our days are lived in denial of this fact. Yet nothing has brought me to a greater realization of this reality than my role as a mom. This morning, I wrote a letter to my oldest daughter Kate, a letter I hope to one day give to her when she is ready. Though many words are meant just for Kate, I want to share the heart of my letter with you today. As we all interact with and influence the hearts of children in our lives, I pray that we do so with intention, living daily in light of eternity.